Part-time Job Survey Analysis
Part-Time Job Survey Analysis
My research topic: Part-time job
Number of respondents: (11)
(Summary) Students answered 9 questions about part-time job.
Graph#1 shows that all respondents do/did part-time job. This result
Graph#3 shows that most students focus on Relationship and Work content in part-time jobs. None of the students care about the location and working hours. This result is unexpected and It was surprising that the percentage of Hourly wage is small.
Graph#4 shows that most participants work three times a week. It was a little surprising because I expected 2 and 3 days to be about the same number.
Graph#5 shows that there are various paydays but, most participants receive their pay on the 14th and 15th. We can see that the next most common date is 20th. In Japan, payday for part-time job is generally the 15th or 25th of the month, so It was a little surprising that no one answered the 25th.
Graph#6 shows that there are various patterns of time to start working. Most respondents also clock in the afternoon. Perhaps this is because university students generally have class in the morning and they don't want to wake up early on holiday.
Graph#7 shows that Indeed is the most popular kind of the website to find part-time jobs. We can see that there are many ways to find jobs such as website, SNS, and part-time job search app like Townwork.
List#8 shows that all participants answered that university students should do part-time jobs. The most common opinions why they should do part-time jobs were in terms of social experience or learning how to manage money. There were also other interesting opinions about that they can make new relationship and earn money to spend with their friends.
This survey has many interesting results. These results could be helpful for people who are thinking of starting part-time jobs especially for new students.
my payday is the 20th!
返信削除I also searched about part time job! Seeing your survey, many people use indeed as the way of getting job. So I will use if I have a chanse.
返信削除I usually start to work at seven a.m every holidays. So, I'm surprised many students don't work in the morning!
返信削除I was surprised to find that “Indeed" is the most common site used to find part-time job openings!